Help Support Beach Haven Taxpayers' Association and
Joining the BHTA and paying dues, helps to off-set our costs for mailings, insurance, advertising, websites and more.
Our yearly Individual Dues are $50.
Silver Business Dues are $150.
Gold Business Dues are $250.
Please support Beach Haven Taxpayers' Association today by joining, paying your yearly dues or giving a donation.
You can pay online via PayPal or by check payable to:
PO Box 1236
Beach Haven, NJ 08008
We appreciate your support!
Join the Beach Haven Taxpayers' Association to:
1. Stay connected with updates on news and issues that affect our Borough
2. Understand the issues from commercial vacancies to school taxes
3. Get quick, year-round access to Borough Council meetings via web
4. Share your thoughts so that we can all make Beach Haven better
Our goal is to stay connected with each and every resident throughout the year.